Our College

Dedicated to Achieving Excellence

Our focus is to provide a challenging and stimulating work environment for all our students, giving them every opportunity to achieve their respective goals.

At South Oakleigh College we recognise that every student has talents. We offer a range of opportunities for each individual, enabling them to achieve their potential and become confident, respectful, and effective learners whilst contributing constructively as 21st century global citizens.

Our students learn resilience in order to persevere when challenged and to take responsibility for their learning. We celebrate the diversity of our students and encourage them to develop social responsibility, empathy and compassion for others.

Our Mission

To provide our students with diverse, challenging and supportive experiences in order to promote academic excellence, personal development and the ability to develop their love of education so they become inspired, life-long learners.

Our Vision

  • To provide diverse educational experiences to maximise every student’s knowledge of the world, with the opportunity to participate confidently in a complex and rapidly changing environment.
  • To promote both academic and personal growth by challenging and encouraging individual excellence
  • To provide a sense of belonging within our caring and safe community
  • To offer opportunities to develop leadership through both local and global organisations.
  • To foster a school community characterised by cultural and global awareness, all students respecting the rights of others

Our Values

Our school values of High Expectations, Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Teamwork guide our daily practice and importantly underpin how we work with our College community.

High Expectations

Challenging ourselves and the status quo


Respect for ourselves, each other and our environment


Responsibility for our learning, our own actions and our community


Resilience to confront challenges with optimism and perseverance


Teamwork working cooperatively with others to achieve success

Why South Oakleigh College?

Opportunities to Excel

South Oakleigh College provides a range of opportunities to ensure every individual will excel. Our excellent NAPLAN and VCE results are testament to the rich co-curricular programs provided to our students which include:

  • Accelerated classes in English, Maths and Science
  • VCE tutors and University extension programs
  • Science Enrichment Programs: including access to the University of Melbourne and Monash University SEAMS program
  • Study-skills and Exam Preparation classes
  • After-school Homework Club
  • Literacy and Numeracy support

We always look to extend and challenge our students using a variety of methods such as an innovative 1-to-1 learning technologies program and well-established LOTE programs in Japanese and Greek. Our students receive personalised careers advice and support as well as access to Global Citizenship Community Programs and an International NASA program.

A number of Student Leadership Programs build vital skills, and our students are immersed in creative technologies using laser cutters, 3D printers and multi-format printers.

A wide variety of extracurricular activities including the Sports Development program, a vibrant Performing Arts program and a strong Music and Vocals program give our students every opportunity to shine.

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