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At South Oakleigh College we recognise that every student has talents. We offer a range of opportunities for each individual, enabling them to achieve their potential and become confident, respectful, and effective learners.
At South Oakleigh College, we endeavour to provide all students with the opportunities for success, equipping students with the knowledge and skills required to become 21st Century learners in a rapidly changing and complex world.
At South Oakleigh College, we believe that the foundation of socially-responsible and active global citizenship requires the development of the whole child.
As the principal, I am honoured to guide a community of learners who are bound by a commitment to excellence and a set of core values that shape every facet of our school life.
Our College provides a supportive and stimulating environment for all students with a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip students for success in further education, work, and life in a fast-changing modern world.
College Tours
A College tour provides you with a firsthand look into the operations of South Oakleigh College.
Selected Fridays from 9am
Sports Development Program
Supported and mentored by Archie Thompson, Kevin Sheedy, and John King
Instrumental Music Program
Provides students with the opportunity to learn an instrument and be part of an ensemble
Student Voice
We understand the importance of student involvement in decisions that impact their learning and environment
Beyond the Classroom
Encouraging students to explore programs and opportunities to further their learning and social skill development
Our focus is to provide a challenging and stimulating work environment for all our students, giving them every opportunity to achieve their respective goals.
At South Oakleigh College we recognise that every student has talents. We offer a range of opportunities for each individual, enabling them to achieve their potential and become confident, respectful, and effective learners whilst contributing constructively as 21st century global citizens.
High Expectations
It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I welcome you to the digital gateway of South Oakleigh College. As the principal, I am honoured to guide a community of learners who are bound by a commitment to excellence and a set of core values that shape every facet of our school life.
“South Oakleigh College hasn’t only prepared me for university, but for life.”